2014년 3월 30일 일요일

Let's try a new point of view - Network Separation based on Document Centralization Solution!

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Many people are disconcerted at recent, diverse information leaks from insurance companies, public offices, and education sources. Besides, it is much surprising that personal information on many Koreans can be read in Chinese websites. We are worried about this series of facts, if it may suggest overall reexamination on personal information system having been managed by the resident register number

By the way, why do information leakage incidents continue to happen even in the organization adopting Network Separation solution? How far is the effective range of information leak control by Network Separation? Let’s look into the Network Separation based on Document Centralization Solution if it can be a new alternative of the existing Network Separation.

Existing Network Separation Solution?

In the meantime, Korean government has positively recommended Network Separation to public offices, financial institutions, and personal information treatment companies to prevent leaks of national secrets and important data. At first, only physical Network Separation was permitted, and later a server based computing (SBC) was additionally permitted, and now a virtual environment-providing type in PC-so called a CBC type- has been permitted.

However, it seems that many public agencies and companies are reluctant to adopt Network Separation. The reasons can be summarized as issues of cost and stability. Then, what is the creative, innovative Network Separation method which reduces cost and secures stability?

Suggestion of a new Network Separation Solution

Network Separation function included in ClouDoc premises document centralization environment. Task document does not exist in document centralized environment. One PC stays in an intranet mode or internet mode in a certain moment. As this type does not need to use a non-standard type under the window operating system to maintain intranet and internet environment, it provide stable work environment for a user.

<Picture_1> Configuration of ClouDoc Network Separation System

You don’t have to change Network configuration, to prevent information leakage.

The current Network Separation type adopted by most organizations require physical change of network configuration. The reason would be to prevent information leakage from PCs with no basic installation to internet. On the other hand, ClouDoc NetworkLock function allows construct safe Network Separation environment only by minimum HW or SW additions, leaving the physical network configuration as it is.

<Picture_2> Induction of ClouDoc NetworkLock installation 

Safe data exchange even without additional data exchange solution between networks

Network Separation environment being currently adopted includes data exchange system between networks as well. Intranet and internet are physically separated, and data exchange system between networks using an expensive device is provided. ClouDoc resolves this matter in Software. With an export disk based on the internal approval procedure, safe data exchange environment between intranet and internet is provided.

<Picture_3> Data exchange between networks by ClouDoc NetworkLock

Complete interruption of information leakage by hacking

The most critical purpose of NetworkLock is to interrupt internal information leakage by a malignant code. As ClouDoc permits access to internal data only in the intranet mode and at the same time completely interrupts internet connection, perfect information leak prevention environment is provided. Besides, in the internet mode the access to the internal system by an external malignant code is completely controlled.

<Picture_4> Information leak interruption in an intranet using ClouDoc NetworkLock

<Picture_5> Access interruption to intranet from the internet using ClouDoc NetworkLock

Information leak prevention by human

The most important feature of Network Separation environment provided by ClouDoc is to prevent information leakage by a malignant code as well as by human. It is a well-known fact that recent various information leak incidents were caused not by malignant codes but by inside staff or vender staff. Besides, ClouDoc is designed to interrupt random deletion of a document by an external malignant code.

<Picture_6> Effects of ClouDoc NetworkLock installation

Document centralization solution based Network Separation will help construct security environment for a company or public office!

Cloudoc NetworkLock function is based on document centralization solution. Even if connected with the internet, as an important document does not exist in the hard disk of PC under this environment, information leakage is prevented.

l  As user work environment is almost same as the existing one, operational confusion can be minimized.
l  As there is not any physical change in the existing network from the viewpoint of a manager, the system can be introduced without big difficulties.
l  The advantage from the viewpoint of CEO is that it is not necessary to purchase licenses of various software in double.

Until recently, many organizations are required to adopt Network Separation but total Network Separation is not a simple issue if we perform it in the existing way. Besides, despite the above-mentioned complicated much work, it is difficult to obtain additional effect except but prevention of information leakage by a malignant code. However, as ClouDoc has a Network Separation function based on document centralization solution, it helps achieve a productive objective (Management based on knowledge) additionally as well as a security objective. It may be recommendable for an organization to consider the adoption of NetworkLock based on document centralization solution, so as to achieve both security and work innovation.

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