2014년 10월 5일 일요일

How do you feel about Cloudoc after using it in your company?

 How do you feel about Cloudoc after using it in your company?

Selection of a proper solution for the purpose of the introduction of document centralization.

I wrote down opinions on how to select a document centralization solution from other articles in this blog.

Consequently, if a solution can be extended to the whole company from the first, the second, the third, up to the fourth, a customer may feel free to select the solution.


Customer who has introduced ClouDoc…

There is no business document in PC of the customer who has introduced ClouDoc. If PC is not workable due to software problems like physical disorder or malicious codes, you just need to replace it with another PC while resolving them.


 <Picture> Continuous business only with PC replacement

Who likes Cloudoc most? It is natural that corporate owners or management like it most. Because data dispersed in PC for the past time is accumulated in the center. In modern companies, documents are properties themselves.


 <Picture> Document centralization solution favored by management

If an employee of the company with document centralization left the office with a notebook, what would happen? Are office documents, CAD drawings, or program source codes in the notebook? As you may know, this kind of information leakage can be prevented in the company with ClouDoc.

Note) However, for a person who needs to work at home, a separate, safe function is arranged.

<Picture> What would happen if an employee in the company under document centralization system left the office with a notebook?

Effects of the introduction of ClouDoc solution

Consequently, 100% documents at maximum in all PCs can be stored in the center in the customer who has introduced ClouDoc. These stored documents are kept safely by several strong protective functions.

Note) The left picture below illustrates an example of the introduction of an fledgling stage of document centralization solution, while the right picture illustrates an example of the introduction of ClouDoc.

<Picture> ClouDoc document centralization like a solid safe!

Don’t you agree that documents stored and protected in the center can be led to productivity improvement and sales increase of your business?

<Picture>Accumulating documents are like money.

Build a happy company free from cash flow worries with document centralization!


How to find the best ‘document centralization solution’ for your company?

How to find the best ‘document centralization solution’ for your company?

Why Document centralization?
 Recently customers are looking at document centralization solution rather amicably.
Some customers are still in a nightmare of inconvenient and expensive initial document centralization solution, while some ClouDoc users add the number of users from the first, the second, the third, up to the fourth.
 In terms of a solution, document centralization solution tends to largely replace the following two solutions. 
  • Replacement of the existing document management (EDMS) : For effective document centralization and utilization, Document centralization is better than existing EDMS.
  • Replacement of the existing drawing security and document security (DRM) : From the point of compatibility and management of CAD drawing application, document centralization is good for efficiency improvement.

In terms of utilization, there are many customers for the following purposes.
  •  Drawing security
  • Source code security
  • Malicious code prevention
  • Information leakage prevention from Cloud service or P2P
How to select a proper Document centralization solution
Functional development of the document centralization solution is awesome. In case of ClouDoc, vendors sometimes visit customers in person and bring good ideas to market in the shortest time.
Currently, document centralization solutions can be largely divided into three schedules.
  •  Schedule 1, Security only : Only a storage prohibition function is loaded. Central document drive uses the network storage like NAS.  
  • Schedule 2, Hooking & Exclusive explorer : Hooking the standard work environment allows the solution to provide separate environment.
  •  Schedule 3, Standard (window file system)type : Offer of a window file system drive allows all work available in standardized methods.
 As Schedule 1 provides a security function only, strictly speaking with no document management function, it will be excluded from this description.
What problems in Hooking, Schedule 2?
  •  Applications without Hooking not yet cannot be stored in the center. 
  • Applications with Hooking impossible (graphic tools like 3D CAD applications and Indesign) cannot be stored in the center.
    •  Despite the promotion to support CAD, actually they are stored in C: drive and backed up in the center! Latest version always exists in PC only.
    • - Hooking is impossible for applications, where input/output in file is not done like Outlook but input/output of some blocks are done frequently.
  •  When interlocking with period system and file attachment like groupware, ERP, and so on in the future is necessary, separate development cost is required: high cost structure.
Finally, how about Schedule 3? Window file system, the standard type of Schedule 3, is the best type in compatibility for customers. However, Schedule 3 also requires harsh verification before product selection.
  • Aren’t a lot of troubles happening in the existing customers?
    • Blue screen: No response/ Document disappears/ Input/output errors often occur in some applications/ …
  • How many persons can be accommodated in a server?
  • Is there any temporary file left in the local disk of PC?
  • Doesn’t it cause a lot of load on the network of the company?
  •  In case of the customer with many users, does it support an extendable architecture using L4 device or the like?
  •  Does it directly support input/output of CAD drawings to and from the center?
    •  In case of some products, CAD application can be stored only in the local disk at all times.
  •  What are the names of customers with over 1,000 users using Window explorer file system among existing references?
 <Picture> How to select a proper Document centralization solution
Interlocking with the other system

Let’s see again the interlocking with the other system mentioned in the above for a while.
In case of ClouDoc, document can be attached to the other system without separate development. To the contrary, attached document of the other system can be stored in the ClouDoc.
However, in case of document centralization system of a hooking type, separate development is necessary to attach a document to the other system. Will it be no wonder to spend additional cost for the development?
<Picture> Interlocking with the other system


2014년 9월 2일 화요일

ClouDoc frees your network from copy & move of large amount of data!

ClouDoc frees your network from copy & move of large amount of data!


Document Copy and Move at Microsoft Windows FileServer

In general users of Windows FileServer utilizes one of the following methods for connection to Window Explorer. 
 The above methods are commonly used for Windows FileServer. In this case, if a file or folder is copied or moved, all applicable files come down to PC and up again to the server, requiring network much.


Document Copy and Move at ClouDoc

To limit such use of network, ClouDoc offers Copy or Move methods in the server. User or administrator may need to copy or move files in at least some MBs or as many as some TBs, In this case this function will not allow the company network to be loaded at all.

<Picture> Network traffic state during document copy and move in the server



What kind of method do you want?

Except for the above functions, ClouDoc includes the following diverse functions, which is not provided by the existing file server.
  • Folders in the private document box or team document box in the server are shared by other persons or teams 
  • Files in the private document box or team document box in the server are shared by link mail or link itself, and the usage is limited by code, period, or time.
  • Search function on documents in the server is provided in connection with a special search engine.
  •  Automatic version management function is provided for documents stored in the server.
Besides, ClouDoc will provide intelligent document management function additionally instead of providing a simple file server.


2014년 9월 1일 월요일

Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings!

Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings!


1. Change of drawing security market

In the meantime, CAD drawing security market has mainly consisted of encryption solution. However, meaningful change is recently sensed with manufacturing customers as the center. You may understand from the following table why drawing security is pursued through document centralization.

<Table> Comparison of drawing encryption method and drawing centralization method

2.What solution can really centralize drawings?

Document centralization solution providers are struggling for document centralization. However, document centralization requires strong fundamental technology. Almost all solutions with no fundamental technology are promoted to store drawings at the center, while actually storing at PC.

ClouDoc as a centralization solution is uniquely equipped with the technology enabling drawings to be stored at the center, not at PC. If you look at the following picture, you can see that solutions other than ClouDoc allow PC to store drawings actually, and the server to hold backup files only.

<Picture> Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings.

3. Prospect of drawing centralization in the future

The most important environment elements prerequisite for document centralization are network and storage. If these two elements offer fast and sufficient performances and capacities, file input/output speed in document centralized environment would be second only to input/output speed from PC to local disk.

The following changes are sensed in storage environment.
  •  Advent of high performance storage based on the flash disk
  •  Advent of high performance storage based on RAM.


The following changes are sensed in network environment.
Accordingly it is expected that document centralization environment at each company will be further accelerated!

2014년 8월 27일 수요일

ClouDoc for Document centralization and drawing security / Perfect information protection from mobile and internet services!

ClouDoc provides perfect information protection from mobile and internet services!

Sudden change of IT environment

It is not too much to say that the biggest changes in the recent IT environment are summarized as mobile and cloud. Corporate owner and management may not know well this environment mostly, thus occasionally having vague fears against this new environment.

ClouDoc rapidly responding to environment change

ClouDoc makes constant efforts to respond to such environment change.
Environment change will appear in your employees’ PC in the shape as shown in the following picture.

In summary, ClouDoc service is controlled by NetworkLock, a module against various DiskLock policy settings or malicious codes. Various smart phones are controlled by ClouDoc function.

 <Picture> Information leakage prevention from mobile and internet services.



Safe environment against information leakage

This control mode keeps customer’s IT environment safely from information leakage.

ClouDoc is a solution to make the most of documents stored in the center based on information leakage prevention environment. Companies that make the most of the centralized documents will get ahead of the coming unlimited competitiveness era.

2014년 8월 26일 화요일

ClouDoc protects documents of your company using its own security architecture.

ClouDoc protects documents of your company using its own security architecture.


Personal information leaks were largely reported in January 2014, and presidents of each relevant companies were resigned.

*  KB Kukmin Card : leaks of 53 million
*  Lotte Card : leaks of 26 million
*  NH Nonghyeop Card : leaks of 25 million
In the meantime, personal information leak accident of Shinhan Card was reported additionally in April.
Besides, many information leak accidents were reported. Among them the information leak accident only in the Agency for Defense Development was caused by a malignant code, while the rest by people. ClouDoc, equipped with information leak preventing measures by people as well as by malignant codes, is the Document Centralization Solution, 

<Figure> ClouDoc Security Architecture
Document Centralization Solution which uses PC disk locking
ClouDoc provides disk IO control(disk locking) functions for USB drive, CD/DVD drive, and network drive, as well as local disk for the designated applications. Especially, unlike other products, disk IO control is realized by using a characteristic value of application instead of application name or file name.
ClouDoc - Comparison of disk IO control(disk locking) methods
<Table> Comparison of disk IO control(disk locking) methods
‘Information leak prevention by malignant code’ by separating Networks
ClouDoc’s NetworkLock module provides Network separation function without additional hardware nor network infrastructure change. For information leak prevention, users are controlled to the minimum in the intranet or internet modes.
ClouDoc - User environment control under ClouDoc NetworkLock environment
<Figure> User environment control under ClouDoc NetworkLock environment
Only approved documents can be provided to partners.
ClouDoc provides the safe approval system for document exchange with partners. Only the approved documents can be delivered to outside, and the documents from outside are automatically moved to the applicable user drive for use.
Offer embedded approval system to export document
Documents in the central location can be exported after approval. Approved documents can be attached to 'email, messenger, or bulletin boards'. And they can be stored in the security drive area in local disk for outside work.
 ClouDoc - Two kinds of document exports
 <Table> Two kinds of document exports
Suggestion of the Knowledge management roadmap in the future safe security environment
ClouDoc is not just a solution to reinforce security environment only.
Customers adopting ClouDoc can gather documents in central server naturally as well as reinforce security system. Almost 100% task documents in staff’s PCs are gathered into the corporate owned storage.
ClouDoc strives to provide Knowledge management environment so that tremendous amount of documents accumulated in center can be used effectively for corporate work environment. And it will provide document management function suitable for the new internet era through continuous function update in the future.