2014년 9월 2일 화요일

ClouDoc frees your network from copy & move of large amount of data!

ClouDoc frees your network from copy & move of large amount of data!


Document Copy and Move at Microsoft Windows FileServer

In general users of Windows FileServer utilizes one of the following methods for connection to Window Explorer. 
 The above methods are commonly used for Windows FileServer. In this case, if a file or folder is copied or moved, all applicable files come down to PC and up again to the server, requiring network much.


Document Copy and Move at ClouDoc

To limit such use of network, ClouDoc offers Copy or Move methods in the server. User or administrator may need to copy or move files in at least some MBs or as many as some TBs, In this case this function will not allow the company network to be loaded at all.

<Picture> Network traffic state during document copy and move in the server



What kind of method do you want?

Except for the above functions, ClouDoc includes the following diverse functions, which is not provided by the existing file server.
  • Folders in the private document box or team document box in the server are shared by other persons or teams 
  • Files in the private document box or team document box in the server are shared by link mail or link itself, and the usage is limited by code, period, or time.
  • Search function on documents in the server is provided in connection with a special search engine.
  •  Automatic version management function is provided for documents stored in the server.
Besides, ClouDoc will provide intelligent document management function additionally instead of providing a simple file server.


2014년 9월 1일 월요일

Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings!

Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings!


1. Change of drawing security market

In the meantime, CAD drawing security market has mainly consisted of encryption solution. However, meaningful change is recently sensed with manufacturing customers as the center. You may understand from the following table why drawing security is pursued through document centralization.

<Table> Comparison of drawing encryption method and drawing centralization method

2.What solution can really centralize drawings?

Document centralization solution providers are struggling for document centralization. However, document centralization requires strong fundamental technology. Almost all solutions with no fundamental technology are promoted to store drawings at the center, while actually storing at PC.

ClouDoc as a centralization solution is uniquely equipped with the technology enabling drawings to be stored at the center, not at PC. If you look at the following picture, you can see that solutions other than ClouDoc allow PC to store drawings actually, and the server to hold backup files only.

<Picture> Only ClouDoc can centralize CAD drawings.

3. Prospect of drawing centralization in the future

The most important environment elements prerequisite for document centralization are network and storage. If these two elements offer fast and sufficient performances and capacities, file input/output speed in document centralized environment would be second only to input/output speed from PC to local disk.

The following changes are sensed in storage environment.
  •  Advent of high performance storage based on the flash disk
  •  Advent of high performance storage based on RAM.


The following changes are sensed in network environment.
Accordingly it is expected that document centralization environment at each company will be further accelerated!